Well, I’m back for day 4. Not fully void of sickness but whatever.

Day 4 Prompt: Wonder. How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year?

I have this preconceived notion that wonder means something magical. So, I decided to quickly see what Webster has to say about wonder.

wonder: a cause of astonishment or admiration

I often find myself falling into a routine – everyday the same thing. I think once we reach adulthood and land 9-5 jobs routines are hard to avoid. Work, work, work – the same song Monday thru Friday. When days become a blur it’s hard to find wonder in them. This makes me think of a quote:

If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.

When you get what you’ve always had… that equals no wonder, no astonishment. No excitement in life. So how did I fight to keep that astonishment, excitement or wonder in my life this year? I pushed myself outside of my comfort zone. Not being ashamed to go to a movie or  play by myself. Joining a yoga class (FYI, I’m one of the least flexible persons ever) – and not being intimated by those freakishly flexible women. Spur of the moment weekend road-trips with new friends. Weeknight outings to a movie or a basketball game and throwing my “bedtime” to the wind.

For me, wonder comes when I experience something new and break free from my mundane everyday routine. Honestly, that could even mean stopping at the wine boutique on my way home from work  (strategically placed directly between work and home – someone planned this well) and grabbing a bottle of red. Sure, it’s a little thing, but it allows me to have something new to look forward to when I get home. And who said wine can’t create wonder?